Tinplate Outlook Report

HARBOR Intelligence is the world’s foremost authority on tinplate price forecasting and market analysis.

Our comprehensive Tinplate Outlook Reports offer detailed insights into the factors influencing current and projected tinplate prices, as well as the latest industry statistics and news. We provide expert guidance to a wide range of industries, including can makers, tinplate packaging buyers, mills, service centers, and traders.

Our reliable tinplate price forecasts and market intelligence empower our clients to: 
  • Strategize budgeting and financial reviews.
  • Negotiate favorable supplier agreements.
  • Plan optimal inventory levels.
  • Develop effective marketing and sales strategies.

Harbor Intelligence offers the following reports:

US Tinplate Outlook Report


The benchmark report for tinplate annual prices in the US. Our report and service provide price clarity and access to an independent, trusted, and specialized source of in-depth analysis of factors moving the US tinplate contract prices. With continuous updates and information even during mid-negotiations, users of our service can achieve a better planning, improving budget visibility in the short and long term.



Europe Tinplate Outlook Report


Have access to the benchmark information regarding annual contracts for Europe tinplate prices. Our focus on continuous updates and information, even through mid-negotiations, allows our users to enhance their short- and long-term planning. This report and our services provide price clarity and access to an independent, trusted, and specialized source of in-depth analysis of factors moving the EU tinplate contract prices.




International Tinplate Outlook Report


We provide independent benchmarking assessments for tinplate spot prices around the world. Our service allows users to have price clarity and remain on top of the game, by providing an in-depth analysis of factors behind the tinplate spot price movement worldwide. The report includes our tinplate spot price forecast, with solid insights on the main price drivers.



Our Tinplate Outlook Service also includes:

Flash News (occasional): We send an e-mail including important breaking news or information